Best Of The East Latest News

Wojciech Trajdos - back in the game

October 30, 2012 - Best of the East

Only he knows how complicated and twisted his sports career has been. He was the first Polish player who won Euro Tour. Twice was punished after positive anti-doping tests. Wojciech Trajdos after a long break showed his skills and won Dynamic Best of the East.

Grabe won Dynamic Best in Tallin

September 23, 2012 - Best of the East

Denis Grabe became to the gold medalist of Dynamic Best of the East in Tallin. For the first time Estonian player won the tournament, in 14- years-long history of the series.

Won Bulgarian 10-Ball and will take part in Kremlin Cup

July 13, 2012 - Best of the East

Karol Skowerski (PL) for the third time in this season got to the final of 2012 Dynamic Best of the East and for the second time won this tournament. In spite of loosing 2:6 with Jaroslav Polach (SK) in the final match, finally player from Kielce defeated the opponent  8:7. Skowerski can be called the leader of 2012 ranking.

Czech 10-ball - results

May 21, 2012 - Best of the East
Mateusz Sniegocki

Players from Poland got all podium places during the second tournament of Dynamic Best of the East which was played in Black Pool Club in Ostrava.

Mateusz Sniegocki from Konsalnet Warszawa became the winner. In final match Sniegocki defeated 9:4 the leader of the ranking - Karol Skowerski. Bronze medals went to Karol's team friends - Radoslaw Babica and Tomasz Kaplan. The best of Czech players were M. Gavenciak and D. Zalman who got the 5th place. H. Strolis ranked on 9th place after he had lost match with Karol Skowerski.

About Dynamic Best Of The East

Series of the tournaments in pool billiard organized in countries of Eastern Europe. The first tournament took place in 1998 starting from the event in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland. Later on new hosts of the tournament appeared. In 2002 Best of the East became sanctioned by EPBF and the first official sponsor was Longoni. Since 2003 the series is known under the name Dynamic Best of the East because of the new sponsor - Dynamic Billard Organization from Germany. Second supportive partner is Iwan Simonis - well-known for the production of the billard cloth. Saluc - Aramith (a leader in production of billiard balls) had been envolved in the development of the series till 2009. The winner of the ranking, thanks to the support of the International Billard Promotion, participated in EURO TOUR tournament without entry fee.

Every year (2002-2011) 3-6 events took place in Europe. The sport system was Robin Round + single elimination in 9-ball. This provides each sportsmen the possibility to play more matches than in he double elimination system. In total: 47 tournaments were organized in the following countries: Slovakia, Poland, Czech Rep., Hungary, Lithuania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Serbia and Estonia. From 2004 the main organizer of the Dynamic Best of the East is Polish company - Mak Marketing.

In 2012 5 new competitions will be held (in Hungary, Czech Rep, Bulgaria, Estonia and Poland), but for the first time it will be played in 10-ball. Everyone can participate in the event under the following conditions: the application must be sent to the Organizer till the indicated date, the participation will be then approved, name of the participant will be placed on the players' list and the entry fee will be paid.

History of the events and results since 2002 on:

Top 8 of 'Best' Ranking

Lopotko Hubert • 225.00 Sokolka
Skoneczny Mariusz • 215.00 Sokolka
Zalman David • 175.00 Pardubice
Köles Balazs • 175.00 Komárno
Gindac Ciprian • 170.00 Oradea
Urban Petr • 155.00 Pardubice
Jastrzab Dominik • 150.00 Kraków
Hajshman Ladislav • 150.00 Plzeň
Whole Ranking

'Best' Events

Dynamic Billard Best of the EastOctober 12–13, 2024
Dynamic Billard Best of the EastAugust 17–18, 2024
Dynamic Billard Best of the EastJuly 27–28, 2024
Dynamic Billard Best of the EastMarch 02–03, 2024


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