Latest IBA News

New director - Nowy dyrektor.

December 27, 2022 - International Billiard Academy
New director of IBA.
Krzysztof Waszak - businessman from Bydgoszcz is a new director of the EEBC International Billiard Academy. He replaced Adrian Tabacaru ( ROM) who died in 2021. Academy priotities in 2023 will be: youth sport, matches EEBC-Africa and Skandinavia , education- trainers and referees.
Krzysztof Waszak- biznesmen z Bydgoszczy został nowym dyrektorem Międzynarodowej Akademii Bilardowej EEBC. Zastąpił zmarłego w 2021 roku Adriana Tabacaru z Rumunii. Priorytetami działania Akademii w 2023 roku będą: sport młodzieżowy, mecze pomiędzy EEBC a Afriką i Skandynawią oraz szkolenie kadr trenerskich i sędziowskich.

EEBC Summer Conference - Letnia konferencja EEBC

August 23, 2022 - International Billiard Academy

EEBC Summer Conference

For the second time, the East European Billiard Council organised the Summer Conference. In 2021, it was held at Ljubanista in North Macedonia, and now in Sozopol, Bulgaria. It was attended by members and supporters of the EEBC from Poland, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania. During the meetings, there were discussions about the EEBC's sports program as well as presentations on the situation in individual countries and exchange of experience. Of course, there was time for integration and sightseeing, too.

“It is an incredibly useful and pleasant action. We get to know each other not only in the sports field. Such contact strengthens friendly ties as well as our organization as a whole.”- said Marcin Krzemiński, President of the EEBC.

Scandinavia won the Eastern-Nordic Cup 2022. Skandynawia wygrała!

Reprezentacja Nordic Billiard Council (NBC) w fascynującym meczu pokonała team East European Billiard Council (EEBC) 4:3. W podstawowym formacie był remis 3:3, a o końcowym wyniku zadecydował mecz pomiędzy kapitanami zespołów: Marcusem Chamatem i Mariuszem Skonecznym. W tym pojedynku o jedną partię lepszy okazał się zawodnik ze Szwecji.

Scandinavia won the Eastern-Nordic Cup 2022

The representation of the Nordic Billiard Council (NBC) in a fascinating match defeated the team East European Billiard Council (EEBC) 4: 3. In the basic format it was a 3-3 draw, and the final result was determined by the match between the team captains: Marcus Chamat and Mariusz Skoneczny. In this duel a player from Sweden turned out to be better. Billiard matches were preceded by performances of singers from Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. W. Kętrzyński from Kętrzyn. Magdalena Trapik, Amelia Panikowska, Izabela Ławrywianiec and Karolina Zagroba presented their skills.

Eastern-Nordic Cup 2022

Friendly match between teams of East European Billiard Council and Nordic Billiard Council will take place in Baltic Billiard Center in POL Ketrzyn in 22nd April. Mariusz Skoneczny POL, Sebastian Batkowski POL, David Zalman CZE and Jaroslav Polach SVK will be present EEBC. Our opponents are: Marcus Chamat SWE, Mats Schjente NOR and Micky Krause DNK. We will know the name of the fourth player soon.

Our partner is a Mayor of the Ketrzyn Town.

Eastern-Nordic Cup 2022 -mecz reprezentacji międzynarodowych stowarzyszeń bilardowych East European Billiard Council i Nordic Billiard Council. Odbędzie się on w Bałtyckim Centrum Bilardowym w POL Kętrzynie w dniu 22 kwietnia. W naszym składzie wystąpią: Mariusz Skoneczny POL, Sebastian Batkowski POL, David Zalman CZE i Jaroslav Polach SVK. Skandynawów będą reprezentowali: Marcus Chamat SWE, Mats Schjente NOR i Micky Krause DNK. Nazwisko ostatniego w tej ekipie poznamy wkrótce.

Gramy w dwóch sesjach: 11.00-14.00 i 17.00-20.00. Partnerem inicjatywy jest Gmina Miejska Kętrzyn. Widzów zapraszamy już dzisiaj. Miejsc dla publiczności jest niewiele, więc prosimy o kontakt pod telefonem 41 362-11-47.

This is a program initiated and run by the East European Billiard Council and Mak Marketing in collaboration with national pool federations. It encompasses the exchange of coaching and training experiences, participation in international training and tournaments and the knowledge of the culture and traditions of the participants. Its participants can be players, coaches and lovers of billiard sport from different countries. Supporting actions are: national federations, clubs, local governments, business entities and individuals.

Interested in supporting or participating in the action please contact the EEBC or Mak Marketing office in Kielce - phone 41 362-11-47, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.International Billiard Academy

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