Players will receive ranking points from the following tournaments:

  • EEBC Pyramid Tour – Germany
  • EEBC Pyramid Tour – Czech
  • EEBC Pyramid Tour – Bulgaria
  • EEBC Pyramid Tour – Latvia
  • EEBC Pyramid Tour – Spain
1 place-100 points
2 place-80 points
3-4 place-70 points
5-8 place-65 points
9-12 place-55 points
13-16 place-50 points
17-24 place-45 points
25-32 place-40 points
33-48 place-35 points
49- 64 place-30 points
64 - …. Place-25 points

EEBC ranking will be published on the EEBC’s website.

EEBC Leagues

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