Dieter Johns (USA) won the first tournament of EEBC Pyramid Tour 2015 series. The competition took place in Germering (Germany) on 17 – 18 January 2015. 32 players from 10 countries (USA, Germany, Turkey, Spain, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Rep., Bulgaria, Russia and Italy) joined the tournament.
In the first match of the event Gagik Aratunyan – the winner of 2014 ranking - unexpectedly was defeated by Seryii Syvtes from Czech Rep. Fortunately Aratunyan did not drop out from the competition as the tournament was played in double K.O. system. After next few winning matches got to the final stage together with Dieter Johns (USA), Tobias Hoiss (GER), Josif Karpiev (ESP), Sergey Vasilov (ESP), Stanislav Muller (GER), Zainal Kieromov (CZ) and Sergey Mielnik (CZ). All players were promoting action ‘Say No!!! To Doping’ by wearing polo shirts with its logo.
D. Johns, J. Karpiev, G. Aratunyan and T. Hoiss got to the semifinals. In the first match Aratunyan defeated Hoiss 3:1 and in the second match Karpiev lost with Johns 3:0.
Final match was a wonderful spectacle and after a very tight last round Johns defeated Aratunyan. ‘It was a great tournament with perfect and emotional final. We will participate next events’ said M. Potas, J. Karpiev and S. Poroschkievich. ‘The phenomenon of EEBC Pyramid Tour lies in the fact that people from many different countries meet during every tournament. We can watch very interesting matches. That is what we don’t have in our local competition’ said S. Muller.
The tournament was recorded and will be on Russian television. Marcin Krzeminski was the director of the event, Paulina Zabek was the technical referee and the local organizer was Dieter Johns. EEBC has planned 5 tournaments in Pyramid Tour 2015 cycle (in Germany, Czech Rep., Bulgaria, Latvia and Spain).
The sponsors of the event were Mak Marketing, Iwan Simonis, Aramith and International Pyramid Confederation. Clash Billiard and Darts Club in Germering was the patron.