'20 years later'- these words were the slogan of the friendly match between the teams of Poland and Lithuania which took place in Ketrzyn (Poland) on 13th March. Poland won 4:2 but the score was not the most important thing.
In 1995 national teams of Poland and Lithuania had played a friendly match in Bialystok. After 20 years Marcin Krzeminski and Tomas Brikmanis decided to recall this moments. Though the atmosphere during the match in Baltic Billiard Centre was very friendly, competitive players were trying their best to win.
In individual games points for Poland were received by: Karol Skowerski, Mieszko Fortunski and Mariusz Skoneczny. For Lithuania: Saulius Saulenas who defeated Tomasz Kaplan. In competition in pairs Skoneczny & Fortunski (POL) defeated Saulenas & Salkauskas (LIT) but Srtrolis & Labutisem (LIT) won with Skowerski & Kaplan (POL).
All the participants of the match received medals and gifts founded by the local government of the town of Ketrzyn.
'We were dreaming about the billiard club in Ketrzyn. Now we are proud that we can host the international billiard stars and develop billiard sport amongst the youth from our town. It was a wonderful idea' summarized the mayor of Ketrzyn - Krzysztof Hecman.
East European Billiard Council was the patron of the event.