Thanks to A.T.D. Dynamic from Bucharest the players were able to participate in perfectly organized Romania 10 -Ball tournament on 24-25.08.2013. In a beautiful town Busteni placed in mountains the best were players from Poland. Mariusz Skoneeczny became the winner. In a final match he defeated Mieszko Fortuński 7:0. Dr Piotr Ostrowski and Michal Lichodziejewski got the bronze medals.
„I was playing very well. I had had only one difficult match in group stage but then I didn’t give any chance to my opponents” said Mariusz. Also the new leader of 2013 ranking – Mieszko Fortunski was satisfied with his playing: „It was a very difficult tournament and many great players took part in it. I got to the final and during the way to this match I defeated some of them e.g. European Champion – Mateusz Sniegocki. That’s why I am glad”.
Players from Poland, Bulgaria, Lebanon, Slovakia and Romania came to Busteni – in general 58 people. The Vice-president of the city of Busteni, the Director of the Department of Busteni promotion, GM of the Alexandros Hotel and the President of Polish Billiard Association took part in oppening ceremony. The players were welcome by Adrian Tabacaru – the boss of A.T.D. Dynamic and the Director of the Dynamic Best of The East cycle and also the President of European Billiard Council – Marcin Krzeminski. The representative of the city started with first break.
Due to the success of the romanian player in Bulgaria 10-Ball, the hosts were counting on good results once again. Finally three players from Roamania got to the quartefinals but there were stopped by Poles. The most hard-fought was the match between Bogdan Borcan (ROM) and Michal Lichodziejewski (POL) – 5:7. The conqueror of Radoslaw Babica (POL) - Ioan Ladany (ROM) lost with Piotr Ostrowski (3:7). M. Skoneczny defeated Robert Braga (ROM) (7:0) and M. Fortunski won with Mateusz Sniegocki (POL) (7:3). There were no big emotions in semifinals. Skoneczny defeated Lichodzeiejwski 7:1 and Fortunski won with Ostrowski 7:2. The final match was also the show of one player especialy thanks to Fortunski who made many huge mistakes in first few breaks and lost his faith in victory what caused his defeat.
Three ladies took part in the competition. They received the flowers from the organizers. Mihaela Ghiorghiu who got to the second stage was the best of them. Octavian Piatac became the best junior and Ionutz Simon the best pupil.
There were also additional emotions during the tournament in Busteni. A.T.D. Dynamic Company brought 12 billiard tables produced by Dynamic Company from Germany which were equipped with Iwan Simonis baize and Aramith Pro TV balls and set them under a huge tent on the tennis court. The lamps were hanged above every table and the air conditioners were keeping temperature the best for players. On Saturday evening there was a thunderstorm and the water got into the tent. Fortunately the efficient crew drilled small holes in curbs surrounding the court and the water drained off. Few moments later the rain stopped and the situation came back to normal.
„I am delighted with the cooperation with A.T.D. Dynamic from Bucharest. The host put a lot of money and work in preparing this tournament and deserved great thanks. I am very glad that Adrian and Maria Tabacaru came back to biliard sport after a break. We have to appreciate the partners like them. It is really important that the suport came from Busteni municipality and Alexandros hotel. They assured us that want to organize the tournament in next year. I am a staunch supporter of this idea” said Marcin Krzeminski from Mak Marketing Comapny – the organizer of Dynamic Best of The East cycle. International referees team worked in Romania 10-Ball. Rosita Apostolova from Bulgaria and Alexandru Balas from Romania cooperated with the referees from Poland. After Romania 10-Ball we met a new leader of 2013 ranking – Mieszko Fortunski from DSB Bandaclub Sky Tower Wroclaw (370 pts). The second is his friend from team – Michal Lichodziejewski (360,5 pts). Mariusz Skoneczny jumped from the 7th place on the 3rd place (325 pts) and Stanimir Ruslanov from Bulgaria fell off on the 4th position (320 pts).
The last tournament of the cycle will take place in Ruzomberok in Slovakia on 21-22 September.
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