Best Of The East Latest News

Kural's success in Albania and the whole cycle. Sukces Kurala w Albanii i całym cyklu.

October 28, 2022 - Best of the East

Szymon Kural (POL) came top in the 101st tournament of the Dynamic Billard Best of the East series. The billiards player from Krakow defeated Petr Urban from the Czech Republic in the final.  Bronze medals went to: Labinot Markaj (KOS) and Mariusz Skoneczny (POL).

The tournament, which was organised at the Kombinat Hotel, hosted players from: Czech Republic, Poland, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Romania and Albania. The well-equipped room, prepared by the Albanian host Edmond Loku, featured 8 Dynamic II tables, which were purchased specifically for this tournament. Company “Tibo” covered the event online, while the press team reported on it in the media. The following day, the popular ABC television broadcast coverage of the event. What is noteworthy, the Albanian Olympic Committee provided its TV platform for the coverage of our tournament.

100 the Dynamic Billiard Best of the East -Polish 9-Ball in Kielce

September 06, 2022 - Best of the East

Mr Marcin Chłodnicki , vice mayor of the Kielce City and Marcin Krzeminski - EEBC president opened the 100th Dynamic Billard Best of the East event. Players played matches in 28 groups. Two the best from each group qualified to single elimination. Total 108 athletes from 9 countries fought of the trophy and money. 

The winner is Wiktor Zieliński (POL). He beat Dominik Jastrzab (POL) in the final 7:5. Szymon Kural (POL) and Marcel Fortunski (POL) got bronze medals.

The best foreign player was David Żalman (CZE), who finished in 9th place.

"I wanted to play well. I didn't have any special plans before starting in Kielce" said Wiktor. The winner received 1,000 euros and the Cuetec carbon cue worth approximately 700 euros.

Romania 9-Ball - Dynamic Billard Best of the East - Oradea 2018

September 04, 2018 - Best of the East

The last 2018  Dynamic Billiard Best of the East event will be held in Oradea in Romania in days 19-21 October 2018.  Host of the event ATD Company would like to offer EEBC TEAM AND JUNIOR CHALLENGE on Friday, Dynamic Best on Saturday -Sunday and Second Chance ATD CUP -10-Ball on Sunday. Date of the event: 19-21.10.2018. 

Ostatni w tym sezonie turniej serii Dynamic Billard Best of the East odbędzie się w Oradei w Rumunii. W piątek gospodarze chcą zaprosić na EEBC Team and Junior Challange, a w sobotę na imprezę główną. W niedzielę dla tych, którzy odpadną z Dynamic Best odbędzie się turniej " drugiej szansy".  W klubie " Black& White" czeka 10 stołów Dynamic II. Oradea, to malownicze miasteczko położone w północnej części Rumunii, blisko granicy z Węgrami.  Termin imprezy: 19-21.października 2018r. 

Dynamic Best of the East in Bratislava.

August 22, 2018 - Best of the East

The Slovak Billiard Federation is celebrating 25 years Anniversary during the Dynamic Best of the East event.  We have 60 athletes on the  participation list. To Labos club are going players from: Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Serbia, Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria. Live scoring will be open on our website. 

Słowacji Związek Bilardowy obchodzi 25-lecie istnienia podczas zawodów Dynamic Best of the East. Do Bratysławy przyjedzie rywalizować 60 zawodników z 7 państw. Wyniki on-line będą dostępne na naszej stronie. 

Moldova 9-Ball - Dynamic Best of the East 2018

May 02, 2018 - Best of the East

Polish player Michal Turkowski won the second tournament of  the series 2018 Dynamic Best of the East.  Michal beat in the final Mieszko Fortunski (POL) 7:5.  Bronze medals received Georgie Georgiev (BUL) and Karol Skowerski (POL).  Total 56 pool players participated in the event.  Sportsmen from: Czech Rep., Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Moldova. Arrived to Chisinau.

About Dynamic Best Of The East

Series of the tournaments in pool billiard organized in countries of Eastern Europe. The first tournament took place in 1998 starting from the event in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland. Later on new hosts of the tournament appeared. In 2002 Best of the East became sanctioned by EPBF and the first official sponsor was Longoni. Since 2003 the series is known under the name Dynamic Best of the East because of the new sponsor - Dynamic Billard Organization from Germany. Second supportive partner is Iwan Simonis - well-known for the production of the billard cloth. Saluc - Aramith (a leader in production of billiard balls) had been envolved in the development of the series till 2009. The winner of the ranking, thanks to the support of the International Billard Promotion, participated in EURO TOUR tournament without entry fee.

Every year (2002-2011) 3-6 events took place in Europe. The sport system was Robin Round + single elimination in 9-ball. This provides each sportsmen the possibility to play more matches than in he double elimination system. In total: 47 tournaments were organized in the following countries: Slovakia, Poland, Czech Rep., Hungary, Lithuania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Serbia and Estonia. From 2004 the main organizer of the Dynamic Best of the East is Polish company - Mak Marketing.

In 2012 5 new competitions will be held (in Hungary, Czech Rep, Bulgaria, Estonia and Poland), but for the first time it will be played in 10-ball. Everyone can participate in the event under the following conditions: the application must be sent to the Organizer till the indicated date, the participation will be then approved, name of the participant will be placed on the players' list and the entry fee will be paid.

History of the events and results since 2002 on:

Top 8 of 'Best' Ranking

Lopotko Hubert • 305.00 Sokolka
Skoneczny Mariusz • 280.00 Sokolka
Köles Balazs • 245.00 Komárno
Zalman David • 240.00 Pardubice
Urban Petr • 210.00 Pardubice
Hajshman Ladislav • 200.00 Plzeň
Stepien Antoni • 185.00 Rekoraj
Horák Michal • 185.00 Pardubice
Whole Ranking


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