Latest Pyramid Tour News

Jalo is the best. Jalo najlepszy w 2022 i w Hiszpanii.

October 02, 2022 - Pyramid Tour


Finnish player won the 3th EEBC Pyramid Tour 2022. The tournament was held at the Abrikot club in Spain. In the final, Kotinurmi defeated Jesse Hamalainen (FIN). Earlier in the semi-finals in 20 minutes he finished the match with Oliksii Kachaikin (Andora)4-0. In the second semi-final Jesse Hamalainen beat Alexander Pukhlenko 4:3. The tournament in Torrevieja gathered 30 players from 6 countries.

It closed this year's season of ranking tournaments in the EEBC Pyramid Tour. J. Kotinurmi and J. Hamalainen became the leaders of the annual classification. A total of 89 pool players were included in the ranking. The tournaments were held in Vilnius, Helsinki and Torrevieja.

The series was sponsored by Iwan Simonis S.A. from Belgium, Aramith (Saluc S.A.) from Belgium, the International Pyramid Confederation and local event hosts: Konstantin Pchelin (Lithuania), Alexander Albulov (Spain) and the Finnish Billiard Federation. The director of the series was Marcin Krzemiński. The EEBC has been organizing pyramid tournaments since 2012.


Jalo najlepszy !

Fiński zawodnik Jalo Kotinurmi wygrał trzecie zawody serii EEBC Pyramid Tour 2022.

Team z Bunde najlepszy w EEBC Pyramid Team Club.

September 10, 2018 - Pyramid Tour

W Belgii zakończył się międzynarodowy turniej par w piramidę. Wzięło w nim 10 ekip, które przybyły z: Niemiec, Hiszpanii i Belgii.  Zwycięzcami została para z niemieckiego Bunde - I. Duck- A. Mackov. W finale 5:1 pokonali duet A. Boyd-N. Ben z Dortmundu.  Trzecie miejsce wywalczyli K. Kovalevsky - A. Zurnachan (GER).  Medale i puchary wręczył wiceprezes EEBc Andrey Zastrovtsev. 

L. Parizer wygrała EEBC Pyramid Tour w Bułgarii.

August 20, 2018 - Pyramid Tour

Bilardzistka z Łotwy zwyciężyła w otwartym międzynarodowym turnieju w piramidę zorganizowanym w Warnie.

Do gry zgłosiło się 17 zawodników z Niemiec, Hiszpanii, Czech, Łotwy i Bułgarii. Lubov Parizer w finale pokonała Zlatko Kirylova BUL 4:2.  W półfinale Lubov była lepsza od Konstantina Kovalevsky GER 4:2, a Zlatko od Aleksei Zhylinsky CZE 4:3.  Turniej poprowadził Ihor Kovtun UKR, a przygotował Viktor Klimov BUL

Johan Duck wygrał w Pradze.

April 22, 2018 - Pyramid Tour

Zawodnik z klubu w Bunde (GER) Johann Duck wygrał turniej EEBC Pyramid Tour w Pradze. W finale 3:0 pokonał Artura Zurnachiana z Monachium . Trzecie miejsca zajęli: Viktor Kharishyn z Czech i Oleksander Boyd z Niemiec.

Mariusz Skoneczny the best in the EEBC Pyramid Tour – Poland.

January 22, 2018 - Pyramid Tour

Pool player from Poland Mariusz Skoneczny won the EEBC Pyramid Tour.  Mariusz, former pool European Team Champion and bronze medalist of EPBF EC  beat Dmytrii Olinyk forom Lithuania in the final 4:2.  Polina Kuznichenko (POL) and Paulius Cerneckis (LIT) finished in semi final. 

" This is a good day for Polish billiard.  Pool player from our country first time won international pyramid event" said Grzegorz Kedzierski - president of Polish Billiard Association.   

 About EEBC Pyramid Tour:

EEBC in cooperation with International Pyramid Committee  and European Pyramid Committee has decided to put impact on the promotion of this type of billard sport and its development. IPC, Dynamic Billard Organization and Mak Marketing influenced significantly on the foundation of the pyramid sport sections in Poland (Debica, Werbkowice) and Slovakia (Vazec). Another section is planned to be established in Czech Republic. In October 2011- the first players took part in the World Championship in Kiev. In 2012 EBC plans to conduct training courses and series of the Pyramid Tour as well as to prepare the players for upcoming European and World Championship.

Series consisting of 4-5 tournaments organized for Polish, Slovakian and Czech players. Participants from other countries are not excluded but this competition is targeted to the players from the countries which have just began the journey in pyramid sport. The winners of the series have will have the opportunity to be invited to the professional pyramid tournaments organized by IPC and EPC.

Top 8 of Pyramid Tour Ranking

Kotinurmi Jalo • 56.00 Helsinki
Telikin Ivan • 40.00 Berlin
Holiev Serhii • 36.00 Vienna
Puhlenko Aleksandrs • 36.00 Kotka
Sevastianov Arseni • 32.00 Kotka
Knyshuk Artur • 30.00 Gandia
Dubenko Igor • 28.00 Wroclaw
Tomin Anatoly • 26.00 Valencia
Whole Ranking

Pyramid Events

EEBC PYRAMID CUPOctober 03–05, 2025
EEBC Pyramid TourMarch 14–16, 2025

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