Only he knows how complicated and twisted his sports career has been. He was the first Polish player who won Euro Tour. Twice was punished after positive anti-doping tests. Wojciech Trajdos after a long break showed his skills and won Dynamic Best of the East.
To make the situation more extraordinary it is worth to mention that the tournament was promoting action: Say No! To Doping.
Trajdos defeated Marek Derek 7:3 in a final match. Bronze medals went to Mariusz Skoneczny and Mieszko Fortunski.
„Competition between me and Michal Zielinski, chich I won 7:6, was the most difficult. I wasn’t afraid about the final match with Marek Derek. His mental preparation is not very good and all you have to do, is to wait for his mistake in a silence” commented Wojtek.
The tournament in Lodz was very close-fought. 9 matches in a final stage end with the score 7:6. Many surprising results we could see in the group games. “It is an incredible moment to watch Tomasz Kaplan – European Champion and multiple Champion of Poland, nervously counting the racks which he needs to get to the final stage from the third place in a group” with laughing said Grzegorz Kedzierski – the President of Polish Billiard Association. Many well-known players like M. Turkowski, B. Rozwadowski or M. Czarnecki finished their competition in a first stage. Wiktor Zielinski, Artur Czarnowski, Damian Dula, Kamil Szaszor and Daniel Maciol – junior players who played great and get to the group of the best 32 competitors. Zielinski was leading 6:5 and could even surprisingly win with the winner of World Pool Masters – Karol Skowerski but eventually lost 7:6.
The biggest surprise of Polish 10 – Ball was the comeback of the Polish “dinosaurs”. Trajdos, Derek, Sawicki and Bryll presented themselves from a very good side though recently they haven’t achieved any successes. The bronze medal for Mieszko Fortunski is also a big comeback.
In the semifinals much more interesting was the match between M. Skoneczny and W. Trajdos won by the second. In the next match Derek gave no chances to Fortunski.
In the final Derek was leading 3:0 but then made few big mistakes and Trajdos defeated his friend from the billiard club 7:4.
Players from Finland, Ukraine and Slovakia didn’t play well and none of them got to the final stage. Only Milan Mrva had a chance to go further but did not manage to do it. Grzegorz Kedzierski – The President of Polish Billiard Association and Longina Lafik – Sport Department Director of the city of Lodz were the guests of the tournament. Mrs Lafik received a special thanks for the cooperation from the owner of Frame Club.
76 players from 4 countries took part in Polish 10 – Ball organized in Frame Club in Lodz. The main referee was Dariusz Kobacki. During the prize-giving ceremony Marcin Krzeminski – director of the Dynamic Best of the East thanked sponsors: Dynamic Billard from Germany, Iwan Simonis from Belgium, Kamui from Japan and all clubs hosting the tournaments during the year. Agnieszka Marcinkiewicz from Frame Club in Lodz received a memorial statue.
The competition in Poland ended the next season of Dynamic Best of the East. Karol Skowerski became the winner of the general ranking. He collected 160 points more than Radoslaw Babica and 165 points more than Mariusz Skoneczny. In the general ranking we can find 259 players. It is worth to mention that this Dynamic Best of the East edition was for the first time organized under the patronage of European Billiard Council.