Comparing with the last year, in 2014 we could watch similar amount of players but some of them came from the new three countries. In comparison with 2011, in this year 60 people more started in the events. The tournaments of Baltic Pool League as a program part of East European Billiard Council caused that players from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonie didn’t take part in Dynamic Best. Not irrelevant were the successes of Polish players during the European Championships. Many people from Sovakia, Czech Rep. and Lithuania did not play as they were affraid of the defeat. Since two years we haven’t seen players from Hungary. On the other hand countries like Romania, Bulgaria and Georgia became more active. Slight increas must be considered as a success. Billiard still suffers from the economical crisis and clubs are still giving up the supporting of the players. What is more there are no new sponsors. However Mak Marketing can be proud of its stability and reliability. For all the 12 years there was no situation that the tournament was cancelled or the prizes were not payed or decreased. It surely formed a good opinion about the cycle and we can think about the continuation of the cycle.
Dynamic Best of the East 2014 – Summary
October 04, 2014
For 12 years Mak Marketing with its partners has been organizing the second biggest in Europe cycle of open pool billiard tournaments. Few thousands players took part in the events along this time. Many of those, who had started their sport carreer in Dynamic Best, later got the medals of European Championships and prestigious international tournaments.
In spite of the time which has passed since the first Dynamic Best of the East, the cycle is still very popular. Over 240 players from 16 countries (Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Serbia, Macedonia, Russia, Belarus, Israel, Georgia, Lebanon, Moldova, Great Britan and Italy) took part in 5 events of 2014 cycle (Ruzomberok, Prague, Burgas, Bucharest and Debica). Thank to the sponsors (Dynamic Billard Organization, Iwan Simonis and Aramith) we could offer the pool prize of 18.000 Euro. Thank to the activity of the partners the information about the events were given by the tv stations in Slovakia, Romania and Poland. The special distinction: ‘the Best Partner’ was given to Adrian Tabacaru from A.T.D. Dynamic from Bucharest, who not only in perfect way prepared the tournament in Romania but also supported players from his country during other events.