Few thousands of customers of the biggest shopping centre in Kielce watched the matches of Challenge of Champions - Galeria Echo Cup tournament. What is more almost 3.000 people watched live on-line transmission on TVSports.pl.
The information about the competition was also provided in TVP 3 (Polish national television), Radio Kielce, Radio Fama, Radio Plus and newspapers: Echo Dnia and Gazeta Wyborcza.
The winner of this admirably promoted event became Wojciech Sroczyński from MUKS Bilard Studio Warsaw Club. He defeated in a final match Mariusz Skoneczny (Lipinski Dachy Tomaszow Mazowiecki Club). Bronze medals went to Tomasz Kaplan (Nosan-Galeria Echo Kielce) and Mieszko Fortunski (Bandaclub Sky Tower Wroclaw).
The Champions of Danmark - Bahram Lotfy and Kasper Kristoffersen took part in the competition. The first oh them took the 9 place and the second finished on the 17 place.
The main organizers of the event were Mak Marketing Company and Swietokrzyskie Billiard Association.
"Challenge of Champions was a part of Polish Grand Prix WiK POL TOUR cycle. The main prize in this cycle is a car - Chevrolet Spark. The leader of the ranking is Mariusz Skoneczny but there has still four tournamrents left before the end of season. It is very intresting if he is able to deal the pressure" said the cycle director - Marcin Krzeminski.
"Thanks for a great weekend in Poland! It was a pleasure to play the tournament. Thanks for great hospitality. It was really nice. Me and Kasper will definitely be back in Poland... It is a perfect promotion and marketing to play in the Shopping mall. It is the best way to develop the sport" cocluded the guest from Danmark - Bahram Lofty.
Photo gallery: http://www.makmarketing.pl/2013/pol_tour_2013/wik_pol_tour_2013_kielce/index.html