Best Of The East Latest News

International podium in Bucharest

August 24, 2015 - Best of the East

The fourth tournament of the Dynamic Best of the East 2015 cycle was played in TAC Club in Bucharest.

Konrad Piekarski from Poland won the competition. Radostin Dimov from Bulgaria got the silver medal and Jakub Koniar from Slovakia and Raul Maican from Romania got the bronze medals.

67 players from 5 countries joined the competition. Amongst the favorites were players from Poland J. Koniar and few representatives of host team: I. Ladany, M. Braga or M. Toadera. Most of the players from Romania dropped out during the first day of the tournament. The last of them – Raul Maican was defeated by K. Piekarski in semifinal. It was good tournament for players from Bulgaria – R. Dimov defeated M. Fortunski (POL) and J. Koniar and got to the final.

Mihaela Ghorgiu from Romania – the best player amongst the women and junior – Ben Dvash from Bulgaria got the special distinctions.

Many thanks to the hosts: ATD Dynamic Compay from Bucharest and TAC Club.
The main referee was Alexandru Balas from Romania.

Ladany again. Very good Bulgaria 9-Ball.

August 19, 2015 - Best of the East

Players from Bulgaria and Romania got all medals in Dynamic Best of the East 2015 – Bulgaria 9-Ball. The winner of the competition became Ioan Ladany from Romania.

50 players from 7 countries (Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Russia, Belarus and Slovakia) took part in the tournament which was played in two clubs: Club 9 and Shark. The winner of the Dynamic Best of the East 2014 cycle and one of the favorites of this event – Ioan Ladany had to play his best to win again. In quarterfinal was losing 4:6 with junior Mario Valchev (Bulgaria) but young player didn’t withstand pressure and finally was defeated by Ladany 7:6. Semifinals were the competition between Romania and Bulgaria – score: 2:0 for Romania. First Mihail Braga defeated Stanimir Ruslanov 7:4 and then Ioan Ladany defeated Radostin Dimov 7:4. In the final match Ladany played better than Braga and won 7:2.

Many thanks to the hosts of the event and a referee team: Rosita Apostolova, Paulina Zabek and Vladimir Popov. The sponsors of the tournament were: Dynamic Billard Organization (Germany), Iwan Simonis (Belgium) and Aramith (Belgium).

Shock in Mikolow - Hubert Lopotko with gold medal

May 21, 2015 - Best of the East

The results of Dynamic Best of the East Polish 9-Ball are a big surprise. It was a great success for Hubert Lopotko and Kamil Szaszor. No one was putting on them before the tournamnet. In final match Lopotko (Dziewiatka Biala Podlaska) defeated Wojciech Szewczyk (Konsalnet Warszawa) 7:5.

Dynamic Best of the East 2014 – Summary

October 04, 2014 - Best of the East

For 12 years Mak Marketing with its partners has been organizing the second biggest in Europe cycle of open pool billiard tournaments. Few thousands players took part in the events along this time. Many of those, who had started their sport carreer in Dynamic Best, later got the medals of European Championships and prestigious international tournaments.

About Dynamic Best Of The East

Series of the tournaments in pool billiard organized in countries of Eastern Europe. The first tournament took place in 1998 starting from the event in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland. Later on new hosts of the tournament appeared. In 2002 Best of the East became sanctioned by EPBF and the first official sponsor was Longoni. Since 2003 the series is known under the name Dynamic Best of the East because of the new sponsor - Dynamic Billard Organization from Germany. Second supportive partner is Iwan Simonis - well-known for the production of the billard cloth. Saluc - Aramith (a leader in production of billiard balls) had been envolved in the development of the series till 2009. The winner of the ranking, thanks to the support of the International Billard Promotion, participated in EURO TOUR tournament without entry fee.

Every year (2002-2011) 3-6 events took place in Europe. The sport system was Robin Round + single elimination in 9-ball. This provides each sportsmen the possibility to play more matches than in he double elimination system. In total: 47 tournaments were organized in the following countries: Slovakia, Poland, Czech Rep., Hungary, Lithuania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Serbia and Estonia. From 2004 the main organizer of the Dynamic Best of the East is Polish company - Mak Marketing.

In 2012 5 new competitions will be held (in Hungary, Czech Rep, Bulgaria, Estonia and Poland), but for the first time it will be played in 10-ball. Everyone can participate in the event under the following conditions: the application must be sent to the Organizer till the indicated date, the participation will be then approved, name of the participant will be placed on the players' list and the entry fee will be paid.

History of the events and results since 2002 on:

Top 8 of 'Best' Ranking

Lopotko Hubert • 305.00 Sokolka
Skoneczny Mariusz • 280.00 Sokolka
Köles Balazs • 245.00 Komárno
Zalman David • 240.00 Pardubice
Urban Petr • 210.00 Pardubice
Hajshman Ladislav • 200.00 Plzeň
Stepien Antoni • 185.00 Rekoraj
Horák Michal • 185.00 Pardubice
Whole Ranking


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