
New cooperation

June 09, 2016 - News

Maple Pool Club from Pardubice is a new Partner of EEBC.

It is the first billiard club, which organize pool event on ice-hockey stadium.   Next edition of Pardubice Open will held in 7-10 July.  EEBC would like to invite pool players – men, women, juniors to Pardubice.

More information : and facebook , questions - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


The new president of ISPA Shay Arama confirmed , that billiard federation from Israel will continue cooperation with EEBC.  We would like to thank for Shai Eisenberg ( former president)  for the long-time good work.

Dynamic Best of the East - Bulgaria Open 2016

May 25, 2016 - Best of the East

Mak Marketing, Club 9 , Club Shark and East European Billiard Council present Dynamic Best of the East – 2016
Bulgarian 9-BALL Varna - 16.07. – 17.07.2016

  • Sport Billiard Club 9 – Varna – Chaika, stadion Varna, жк.Чайка, подлеза на стадион 'Варна'
  • Club Shark – Varna , General Radko Dimitriev 19,Str, 9000 Varna, Bułgaria

EEBC Pyramid Tour - Bulgaria Open 2016

May 19, 2016 - Pyramid Tour

East European Billiard Council

and Pyramid Club in Varna

would like to invite on




Venues: Pyramid – Club Varna , Blv. Slivnica 201 , Shopping Outlet Center , B , 4st floor
Адрес: гр. Варна, булевард Сливница, 201, Shopping Outlet Center, тяло Б, 4 етаж.


EEBC Pyramid Tour – new record

February 11, 2016 - Pyramid Tour

48 players from 11 countries took part in Germany Open – the first tournament of EEBC Pyramid Tour what was a new record of the cycle. This time competitors met in Hamburg on 6th–7th February. Ildar Sharipov from Czech Rep. became the winner.

Решение дисциплинарной комиссии Восточно-Европейского Бильярдного Союза (East European Billiard Council).

February 10, 2016 - News

Останин Константин (Бельгия) отстраняется от участия во всех официальных турнирах Восточно-Европейского Бильярдного Союза  до конца 2016 года.

Причина дисквалификации: неуважительные действия в грубой форме по отношению к судьям и организаторам турнира, выраженные нецензурными словами; участие в турнире в состоянии алкогольного опьянения.

Штрафные санкции: взыскать с Останина Константина денежный штраф в размере 500 евро. В случае неуплаты игроком денежного штрафа до конца 2016 года, игрок будет отстранен от участия во всех официальных турнирах Восточно-Европейского Бильярдного Союза до тех пор пока не будет уплачен штраф.

Official list of participants EEBC Pyramid Tour - Germany 2016

January 25, 2016 - News

EEBC Pyramid Tour - Hamburg, Germany 6-7.02.2016

Registration only on E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until 30.01.2016

  1. Lubov Parizere- Latvia
  2. Konstantin Kovalevskiy - Germany
  3. Olga Skuridina - Spain
  4. Alexandra Neporozhnya - Spain
  5. Sevak Antinyan - Spain
  6. Sergey Bugakov - Spain
  7. Artem Vakar - Spain
  8. Alexander Albulov - Spain
  9. Bariev Talgat – Czech Rep.
  10. Kerimov Zeynal – Czech Rep.
  11. Yakovlev Veniamin – Czech Rep.
  12. Melnik Sergej – Czech Rep.
  13. Pimanov Nikolay – Czech Rep.
  14. Marcin Krzeminski – Poland
  15. Krzysztof Gardjas – Poland
  16. Marek Potas – Slovakia
  17. Jozef Lisik – Slovakia
  18. Vadim Polevoy – Germany
  19. Jori Manninen – Finland
  20. Jesse Hämäläinen – Finland
  21. Viktor Harishin -Czech Rep.
  22. Viktor Klimov - Bulgaria
  23. Konstantin Ostanin - Belgium
  24. Alexander Iliopol - Germany
  25. Veronika Shatohina – Germany
  26. Narek Glustjan – Germany
  27. Stanislav Efaev – Germany
  28. Aleksei Sukhov - Germany
  29. Ildar Sharipov – Czech Rep.
  30. Svetlana Voroncova – Latvia
  31. Anna Gurkina – Latvia
  32. Artur Zurnachyan – Germany
  33. Alberto Carnovalini - Germany
  34. Victor Lehmann – Germany
  35. Viacheslav Golov – Germany
  36. Ivan Dick – Germany
  37. Jurii Kampf – Germany
  38. Alexandr Mazkov - Germany
  39. Maksim Golzer – Germany
  40. Eduard Purat – Germany
  41. Eduard Fizjen - Germany
  42. Alexander Mikhailov - Germany
  43. Alexander Arndt _ Germany
  44. Aleksandr Boyd _ Germany
  45. Nikolaj Moritz – Germany
  46. Alexey Nol - Germany

Регистрация участников только по электронной почте  E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

General Assembly of UMB

January 21, 2016 - News

The General Assembly of UMB (Union Mondiale de Billard) took place in Egypt. The members of the organization has chosen the new president, vice-president and board member.

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