
EEBC Pyramid Tour in Prague

March 24, 2015 - News

The second tournament of EEBC Pyramid Tour 2015 cycle took place in Billiard Center Club in Prague on 21st - 22nd March. 32 players from Poland, Czech Rep., Germany, Slovakia and Spain joined the competition. Sergey Vasilov (Spain) defeated Gagik Aratunyan (Czech Rep.) 3:1 in the final match. Zainal Kierimov (Czech Rep.) and Nikita Sukhov (Germany) got the bronze medals.

Iwan Simonis and Aramith became the strategic sponsors of EEBC

March 23, 2015 - News

Two world-renowed companies will support activities of our organization. Only the cloth from Iwan Simonis and balls from Aramith will be used for the events of EEBC.

According to the new contract the equipement from Simonis and Aramith will be also used during Baltic Billiard League and EEBC Pyramid Tour.

Poland will be the host of the General Assembly of WCBS

March 23, 2015 - News

Wolrd Cofederation of Billiard Sports will come for the council to Wroclaw in June. Members of the world pool, snooker and carom federations accepted the invitation from Marcin Krzeminski.

'Beside the current issues we would like to talk about World Games 2017. I asked the WG Organizing Committee for the meeting with members of the board of WCBS. We are waiting for the answer. I would like to present them the progres in the preparations for World Games and show the sport facilities in Wroclaw' siad Marcin Krzeminski.

General Meeting of EEBC

March 20, 2015 - News

A  General Meeting of our organization will take place in Kongresowy Hotel in Kielce on 2nd April 2015.

Polish Carom Championships – 3 cushions

March 20, 2015 - News

Tomasz Kaplan (Nosan Kielce) won the International Championships of Poland in Carom – 3 cushions. The event took place in Ketrzyn on 14 – 15th March 2015. 30 players from Poland and Lithuania took part in the competition.

Poland vs Lithuania 4:2 - International Billiard Academy

March 17, 2015 - News

'20 years later'- these words were the slogan of the friendly match between the teams of Poland and Lithuania which took place in Ketrzyn (Poland) on 13th March. Poland won 4:2 but the score was not the most important thing.

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