
Gagik won again

October 22, 2014 - News

Gagik Aratunyan (CZ) became the winner of the last tournament of EEBC Pyramid Tour cycle and by the same token became the best player of 2014 cycle.

Baltic Billiard Centre in Ketrzyn

October 22, 2014 - News

The Mayor of the city of Ketrzyn – Krzysztof Hecman, the President of EEBC – Marcin Krzeminski and the President of PBA – Grzegorz Kedzierski lead the opening ceremony of the Baltic Billiard Centre. The club, which is placed in a brand new hall, has been equipped with 8 pool and 2 carom tables.

International Polish Pyramid Championships 2014

October 21, 2014 - News

The International Polish Pyramid Championships took place in Pino Club in Debica. Mariusz Skoneczny (vice-champion in 2012) became the winner. Besides the cup, medal and money, Skoneczny secured for himself a spot in World Championships in Pyramid in Russia.

Carom in sport program of EEBC

October 21, 2014 - News

The first carom tournament organized by EEBC took place in Baltic Billiard Centre in Ketrzyn (Poland). 16 players joined the competition. The representative of the host (MOSiR Ketrzyn) - Damian Ejmont became the winner in 3-cusions.

Bulgarian Championships in pyramid

October 17, 2014 - News

The First Bulgairan Chmapionships in pyramid took place in Varna. 16 players started in the competition.

The president of Bulgarian Billiard Federation – Ivan Kamenarski and the host of the event – Dymitry Ignatiev lead the openning ceremony. Dmitry Kyrakin became the first official champion. In a final match defeated Denis Adamov 5:3. Namik Krasnikov and Andrey Girshfeld got the third place. In the tournament played also one lady – Polina Popova. Bulgarian Championships were financially supported by our organization. EEBC will also cover the cost of start of Bulgarian represnative during world championships in Russia.

Billiard Academy of Chance - the program for disabled

October 17, 2014 - News

The Marshal of Swietokrzyskie Voivodship accepted the EEBC's program - Billiard Academy of Chance.

A cycle of billiard tournaments for disabled living near Kielce will take place in October and November. We assume that about 20 people will join the competition. We got 20.000 zl (5.000 Euro) to organize these events. This is the next initiative of EEBC financially supported by local government.

Dynamic Best of the East 2014 – Summary

October 04, 2014 - Best of the East

For 12 years Mak Marketing with its partners has been organizing the second biggest in Europe cycle of open pool billiard tournaments. Few thousands players took part in the events along this time. Many of those, who had started their sport carreer in Dynamic Best, later got the medals of European Championships and prestigious international tournaments.

Polish 10-Ball – the last tournament of Dynamic Best of the East 2014

October 04, 2014 - Best of the East

Marek Kudlik (Poland) became the winner of Polish 10-Ball which took place in Debica on September, 27-28. Big surprise in Debica was the 2nd place of Vitaly Patsura from Ukraine. Ioan Ladany from Romania was the best in general ranking of Dynamic Best of the East  2014. In general over 240 players from 16 countries took part in the tournaments of the cycle.

World Championships in Kazakhstan

September 25, 2014 - News

World Championships in dynamic pyramid took place in Taraz (Kazakhstan). National teams from 19 countries participated in this tournament. Kanybek Sagynbayev from Kyrgyzstan won the competition.

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